
Crashing when loading a psd file

Started by Love Monkey (lovemonkey) on Mon, 17th Oct 2016 at 15:31:56.

2 Comments so far.

My wife and I was able to load a psd file into Chasys and once it seem to load get a box that pops up saying that Chasys Draw IES encountered a problem and needs to close. No warning no errors..
I even re-named the file to see if that would help (since the file was in russian) and no go :(
Please help we love using the program for everything :)


John Paul Chacha (jpcha2) on Tue, 18th Oct 2016 at 22:32:08

I'm sorry to hear that you're encountering issues with Chasys Draw IES. Is it possible for you to share the file with me for debugging purposes? Thanks.


Love Monkey (lovemonkey) on Wed, 19th Oct 2016 at 00:42:32

The pic itself is larger then 200kb and can not load onto here. I sent it through your support center.


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