
Online Help for Chasys Draw IES: List of Features

List of Features

Here is a summary of the various features implemented by this product. Please note that this list is NOT exhaustive.
Chasys Draw IES Artist


  • Free-style layering with blending modes
  • Adjustment layers with multiple adjustments per layer
  • Linked layers (a.k.a Linked Smart Objects)
  • Composite, Image List, Frame Animation and Object Animation image modes
  • Animation, both frame-based and object-based (timeline animation)
  • Animation Composer engine
  • Image Stacking for noise reduction, super-resolution, etc.
  • Tablet/Pen-input/Stylus support with pressure control
  • Touch-screen support with gestures including pitch-to-zoom and multi-finger panning
  • Support for the native formats of Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo, ArtWeaver, Corel PhotoPaint, FireAlpaca, GIMP, Krita, Paint.NET, PaintShop Pro and Pixlr
  • Support for common formats such as JPEG, animated PNG, animated GIF, TIFF, PICT, WebP, HEIF, DDS, JPEG-2000, JPEG-XR, JPEG-XL, AVI video, etc.
  • Support for the OpenRaster interchange file format and rare formats such as QOI, MNG/JNG and DPX
  • Support for older formats such as PPM/PGM/PBM, PCX/DCX, PCD, TGA, COKE, etc.
  • Comprehensive Camera RAW file support with live adjustment
  • Extensive plug-in support with streamlined SDKs
  • Support for Photoshop Filter Plug-ins (.8BF)
  • Advanced printing and scanning engines
  • PDF document generation
  • Icon and cursor editing, import and export, including Vista-style and Mac-OS icons
  • Screen Capture, including Video Screen Capture with multiple triggering modes
  • Video capture from devices (e.g. TV/Video)
  • Supports multi-core processors, High-DPI displays and Multiple Display setups
  • Integrated File Browser, Bluetooth OBEX and in-built utilities (Calculator, Notepad)
  • Shell integration with thumbnails and conflict detection
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo and Asynchronous Auto-Save, with Just-in-time memory compression to save space
  • Fully re-editable text with advanced styling and effects (TextArt)
  • Full alpha channel through out the workflow with Alpha protection (a.k.a. transparency protection)
  • Multiple language support with user-editable language files and translation assistant (Chasys Draw IES Language Studio)
  • Anti-aliasing and super-sampling support in tools and paths*
  • Smart-resizing (similar to seam-carving)
  • Best-in-class post-edit heuristics anti-aliasing engine
  • Physical measurement specification with display size detection via EDID
  • Uses the latest CD5 specification with animation and multi-resolution
  • Super-fast internal graphics engine (JpDRAW2)
  • Full UNICODE support in all components
  • Metadata save, restore and scale to imitate vector art
  • Configurable Guides and Grids with Snap-to-Grid
  • Smart-dither to custom palette
  • Asynchronous preview rendering engine
  • Pantone equivalent palettes for PMS 100 to 814-2x
  • Automatic color naming
  • ... and many more!

*path super-sampling enables very smooth selections, smoother than you would get with any other image editor


  • Hand - For selecting layers and moving them around
  • Move - For selecting layers and moving them around
  • Mark-Up - For hotspots, markings and measurements
  • Animate - Animates objects (Object Animation)
  • ...
  • Color Picker - For picking colors from the image
  • Snip - Snips out image portions for editing or reuse
  • Crop - Crops part of an image and optionally rotates it
  • Razor - For slicing images
  • ...
  • Resize - For resizing layers
  • Pencil - For pixel-by-pixel editing
  • Brush - Draws wide lines and custom strokes
  • Effects Brush - For smoke, red-eye, recolor, etc.
  • Pattern Brush - For filling areas with patterns
  • Cloning Brush - For photo-corrective patching and duplication
  • Healing Brush - For photo-corrective patching and grafting
  • Smoother - For smoothening and smearing sections
  • Sharpen - For selective sharpening and highlight
  • Smudge - Smudges the area under it in the direction of drawing
  • Roughen and Spray - For roughening surfaces and creating sprayed air-brush effects
  • ...
  • Eraser - Erases pixels, making them transparent
  • Background Erase - Automatically erases background pixels
  • Content-Aware Erase - Intelligently removes objects from images
  • Opaquer - Restores transparent pixels, making them visible
  • Edge Treatment - Cleans and refines the edges of opaque objects
  • ...
  • TextArt - Inserts plain and decorative text
  • Pen and Path - Advanced selection and marking tool
  • Line - Draws straight thick lines and arrows
  • Curve - Draws curves that join points automatically
  • Shape - Draws filled or unfilled shapes
  • Custom Shape - Draws filled or unfilled shapes
  • GT Shape - Draws gradient-tinted shapes
  • Blocks and Decoratives - Draws various block shapes and decorative tint effects
  • ...
  • Filling Paint - For filling a uniform area with a color
  • Transparency Fill - Erases areas containing similar pixels
  • Gradient Fill - Draws gradient-tinted backgrounds
  • ...
  • Liquify - Push, pull, pucker, bloat and warp pixels
  • Triangle List - Draws polygon fans and strip for special effects
  • Projection - Transforms images and adjusts perspective
  • Dynamics - Makes image adjustments such as setting the white-point




  • Image
    • Synthetic Enhance
    • Dynamic Contrast
    • Local Contrast Enhancement
    • Dodge and Burn
    • Make Tile
    • Post-edit Anti-aliasing
  • Color
    • Replace Color
    • Duo Tone
    • Posterize
    • Bilevelize
    • Negative
    • Gradient
    • Limit Colors
    • Channel Manipulation
  • Alpha
    • Chroma-Key (Blue-screen)
    • Shrink Opacity
    • Dissolve
  • Blur
    • Low-pass Blur
    • Gaussian Blur
    • Spin Blur
    • Zoom Blur
    • Motion Blur
    • Surface Blur
    • Chroma Blur
  • Sharpen
    • High-pass Sharpen
    • Normal Sharpen
    • Luma Sharpen
    • Un-Sharp Mask
    • Smart Sharpen
  • Noise
    • Add Noise
    • Wavelet Denoise
    • Median Denoise
    • Linear Denoise
  • Correct
    • Red-eye
    • JPEG Artifact
    • Color Fringing
    • Color Misalignment
    • Chromatic Aberration
  • Stylize
    • Emboss
    • Edge Detect
    • Pixelate
    • Oilify
    • Diffuse Glow
    • Drop Shadow
    • Create Halo
    • Reflection
  • Distort
    • Swirl
    • Pinch
    • Liquify (image warping)
  • Render
    • Grid
    • Clouds
    • Watermark
  • Custom
  • ...
  • External Plug-ins
  • Shell-out to External App


Blending modes:

  • Normal
  • None
  • Mask
  • Luma Mask
  • Behind
  • Overpaint
  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Multiply
  • Divide
  • Offset
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Difference
  • Screen
  • Overlay
  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Luma
  • Chroma
  • Hue
  • Saturation
  • Value
  • Lightness
  • Logical AND
  • Logical OR
  • Logical XOR
  • Custom via BLND metadata


  • Fully unicode with multi-language support
  • 18 scaling methods, including Bicubic (Cardinal, BSpline, BCSpline) and Windowed Sinc (Bartlett, Blackman, BlackmanHarris, Bohman, Cosine, Gauss, Hamming, Hann, Kaiser, Lanczos, Parzen, Rectangular, Welch)
  • Screen Capture (still and video) with mouse pointer capture option
  • CD Labeling capability, including LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling
  • Project templates
  • AQuE (Anti-Quantization Engine)
  • Pen and Tablet support (all WinTAB devices including Wacom)
  • Color filter matrices
  • Animated cursor creation
  • Mark-up broadcast and EXIF support
  • Soft proofing with ICC profiles
  • Converter can duplicate subfolder hierarchies
  • Video cropping, optimization and rate conversion
  • Image scanning via both TWAIN and WIA
  • Camera RAW support based on dcraw with floating point and 48-bit processing


Chasys Draw IES Converter
  • Support for multi-core processor acceleration (up to 128 cores for 128x speed)
  • Image resizing with advanced scaling
  • Metadata transfer and scaling
  • Rotation, including automatic rotation
  • Animation conversion
  • Noise reduction
  • Auto-leveling
  • Super-fast internal graphics engine (JpDRAW2)


Chasys Draw IES Viewer
  • Touch-friendly UI with zoom and rotate
  • High-speed loader function
  • Animation and animation rotation support
  • In-built support for plug-ins with lossless rotation (e.g. JPEG)
  • Super-fast internal graphics engine (JpDRAW2)



Copyright © John Paul Chacha, 2001-2024